St. John’s has many ways you can get involved. If you are interested in any of the following ministry teams, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email for more information. The Leadership Directory is available at St. John’s Welcome Center, and has contact information for all teams and committee members.
Congregational Council
St. John’s Congregational Council is elected each year at the Annual Meeting in January. Council Members serve as representatives of the Ministry Teams and serve as leaders of our congregation.
Ministry Teams
Ministry Teams coordinate the ministries of St. John’s. Each team has a chairperson who convenes and chairs the meetings, and a council representative who serves as a liaison between the council and the teams. If you are interested in joining any of the following ministry teams, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- Building Improvement Team
- Communications Ministry Team
- Community Life Ministry Team
- Evangelism Ministry Team
- Finance Ministry Team
- Stewardship Ministry Team
- Veterans Ministry Team
- Worship Ministry Team
Congregational Life Teams
If you are interested in joining any of the following congregational life teams, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- Advent by Candlelight
- Birthday Greeting Callers
- Church Chow & How
- Prayer Chain
Property Teams
If you are interested in joining any of the following property teams, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- Flower Bed Volunteers
- Garden and Landscape
- Second Monday Fixers & Cleaners – 2nd Mondays from 9-noon
Educational Teams
If you are interested in assisting in St. John’s educational teams, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- Confirmation
- Scholarship Team
- Sunday School
Relational Groups
If you are interested in joining any of the following relational groups, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- Women of St. John’s
- Funeral Committee
- Lutheran World Relief Quilters
- Salad Luncheon
- Women’s Circles
- Martha Circle
- Pricilla Bible Study
- Ruth Circle
- Sarah Circle

Youth Ministry
If you are interested in assisting with the youth ministry, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.
- High School Activities
- Sugar Creek Bible Camp
The Full Leadership Directory with Team and Committee contact information is available at the Welcome Center.