Use Your Gifts in Worship

Use Your Gifts in Worship

St. John’s has many ways you can get involved. If any of the groups below interest you, please call the Church Office at 608-291-4311 or send an email for more information. You can also pick up a copy of the Leadership Directory from the Welcome Center, which has contact information for teams and committee members. 

Did you know that it takes about 60 people to plan, organize, and participate in worship each week?  If you would like to participate in any of our worship services, please call the church office at 608-291-4311 or send an email for more information.

These are some ways you can participate:

Altar Guild
St. John’s Altar Guild is a group of dedicated women entrusted to prepare our chancel
for worship. The Altar Guild sets up for, and cleans up after, Holy Communion.
They change paraments and display banners according to the liturgical season,
work behind the scenes to be sure communion supplies are well stocked, and see to
the candles and sanctuary flower orders. They also clean, wash and/or polish
communion vessels, and take care of the baptismal font,
altar linens and all the brass.

Altar Guild meets every second Tuesday of the month, at 1:00 pm, in St. John’s
Fireside Room, and occasionally at a member’s home for planning and fellowship.

Email Sandi Linstroth at or Martha McGregor at for further information
or if you are interested in joining our sisterhood.


St. John’s altar guild prepares the altar for worship – set up & clean up.
If you are interested in joining the altar guild, please call the Church Office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.


Worship Assistants
Participate in Worship as an acolyte, scripture reader, welcome committee, usher, communion server, etc.
If you are interested in assisting in worship, please call the Church Office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.

Chime Choir
St. John’s Chime Choir plays one or two songs on one Sunday each month.
Practice is on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:15 pm, and 40 minutes before the service begins.
If you are interested in joining the Chime Choir, please send an email to St. John’s Director of Worship.

View the 2024 Choir and Chimes Schedule here

Chancel Choir
St. John’s Chancel Choir leads music for the 8:30 am Sunday service each week.
Practice is on Wednesdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm, and at 7:45 on Sundays before the service begins.
If you are interested in joining the Chancel Choir, please send an email to St. John’s Director of Worship.

View the 2024 Choir and Chimes Schedule here

Soulvation Praise Band
St. John’s Praise Band leads music for the 10:30 am Sunday service each week.
Practice is on Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:45 pm, and at 9:45 am on Sundays before the service begins.
If you are interested in joining the Soulvation Praise Band, please send an email to St. John’s Director of Worship.

Special Music
Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Solos, Duets, etc.
If you are interested in joining any of St. John’s musical groups, or sharing some special music, please send an email to St. John’s Director of Worship.   

St. John’s Audio Visual Director David Klarich makes the magic happen by preparing our sound & video for worship and producing our online recordings.
If you are interested in learning and assisting our AV Director, please call the Church Office at 608-291-4311 or send an email.