Join Us for Worship – Saturdays @ 5 pm; Sundays @ 8:30 am and 10:30 am. You are Welcome Here!

You can call or email the prayer chain when you have a prayer request. Then the prayers will be sent with many praying for you! Prayers are not made public in the announcement email or during Worship unless a request to list the prayer is received. To let the prayer chain know of your prayer, email the Church Office or call us at 291-4311. You may also fill out the form below.

Please keep in your prayers:

  • Jeremy Adamson & Family for health, healing & find a path forward (son of Sandra Linstroth’s friend)
  • Dee for health concerns (daughter of Marge Christensen)
  • Ross for newly diagnosed cancer (son of Bill & Jean Brown)
  • Fred for cancer treatments (brother-in-law of Carol Wichmann & Dale Schroeder)
  • Leslie Gerbitz for heart problems (daughter of Sandra Linstroth)
  • Isaac for health concerns (young grandson of Bob & Kris Ceder)
  • Joel Olstad diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia (brother of Eileen Nelson)
  • Bonnie Haugen undergoing cancer treatments
  • Sheryl Lindmeier and family for her Mother Darlene’s passing

If you have any questions or requests, please send an email or call the church office at 608.291.4311.