Join Us for Worship – Saturdays @ 5 pm; Sundays @ 8:30 am and 10:30 am. You are Welcome Here!

What We Believe

What We Believe:

We believe in God who created the world and us in order to bless us with the gifts of abundant life and love and thus to be a blessing to others. God loves us so much that God sent Jesus so that we may be saved from our self-destructive ways and live forgiven and hope-filled lives.

The Bible – We believe the Bible is the Word of God revealed to us in order that we may know God’s promises and desires for us and for our world.

Salvation – Knowing that human beings fall short of who God intends us to be, God sent Jesus to die on the cross and rise again so that we have the opportunity for new life in a loving relationship with God forever.

The Church – The Body of Christ is the people God calls to make God’s grace and God’s love known in the world – by our words, actions, and service to others.

ELCA:  We are part of the larger church that is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To learn more about the teaching of the ELCA, please visit the ELCA website at

Baptism – We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace to us through baptism at all ages- infant, child, and adult. Baptism is the Sacrament God uses to claim us as God’s own with the promises of forgiveness, mercy, and eternal life.

Holy Communion – We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper each week in worship as God’s reminder of God’s limitless love for us that strengthens us for service in the world. All are welcome at the meal.

 Our Ministry:

In the context of Oregon, the surrounding community and the world, we, the people of St. John’s are called to…

Welcome all persons into a life in Christ, fostering acceptance and love in the Holy Spirit. (Community/Evangelism)

Offer our diverse community varied Christ-centered worship opportunities that celebrate God’s grace and that affirm, educate, inspire and challenge us in our daily lives. (Worship)

Teach the Good News of Christ and challenge (encourage) children, youth and adults to grow in their spiritual lives. (Education)

Recognize and share our material and spiritual resources to serve God through church and community. (Outreach and Service/Stewardship)