St. John’s Communication Team’s mission is to study what and how we communicate…within our teams, groups, congregation, and the community…and determine ways to improve that communication. We analyze the processes currently used to distribute information through various media, such as hardcopy advertisements, our website, and our social media platforms. We work to create more effective and efficient ways to increase awareness of that information.
Activities and Objectives:
St. John’s Communications Team:
writes posts for our Twitter and Instagram feeds
writes posts and creates events for our Facebook Pages (Both the public page, as well as our private group page)
adds photos to our Pinterest board
creates and distributes flyers and creates banners for St. John’s events
keeps the website updated with current and valuable information such as:
News and Events
Weekly Announcements
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Church Calendar
Missionary News
Synod Newsletter
and much more!
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Communications Team? No prior experience is needed! All are welcome! Currently, the team meets as needed.