Join Us for Worship – Saturdays @ 5 pm; Sundays @ 8:30 am and 10:30 am. You are Welcome Here!

Pastor Ellen Accepts!

August 12, 2022


Dear Council, Call Committee and Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church,

It is with gratitude, joy and excitement that I formally accept the call to serve as your next pastor! I see at St. John’s a deep commitment to live out your faith in Jesus Christ across generations.  Worship is what brings everyone together, creating a faithful community.  You have a strong tradition of serving others in the community and beyond, reaching out to those most vulnerable and in need.  The staff is talented, loyal and engaged as they creatively support the ministries of the congregation.  Leadership is ready to develop a vision for ministry and eager to invite others to join them in living it out.  I am grateful for the abundant ways God has already blessed St. John’s.

I am also thankful for opportunities God is calling us to explore as we begin our journey together.  My conversation with the call committee revealed a longing for deeper relationships both within the congregation and with people in the greater Oregon community.  We will work on this by being even more intentional about the way we welcome people to St. John’s as well as how we care for one another.  We will develop a small group ministry that addresses who we are as we do what we do.

It is an exciting time to be at St. John’s.  The Holy Spirit is clearly moving among you as you have remained steadfast, faithful and active in your ministry through unprecedented times.  Let’s begin our time together eager to see what God has in store, ready to serve where the Spirit leads, confident of God’s faithful presence with us.

I look forward to work with you and see you in worship soon!

In Christ,

Pastor Ellen Stelzle

Two Important Dates for Your Calendar:

Sunday, September 11 is ‘God’s work. Our hands’ Sunday. More information to come soon!
Sunday, September 18 We will be celebrating Rally Sunday, as well as welcoming Pastor Ellen with a traditional church picnic. Stay tuned for further details!

Pastoral Transitions:

This weekend, July 30 & 31, worship services will be led by Rev. Paulette Creswell. Pastor Erich Hartenberger will begin as our full-time, intentional interim starting Monday, August 8, through the worship services on September 11, and will help us prepare for Pastor Ellen’s arrival.

From Your Care for Creation Team:

Recycle Containers are here!

August Member Spotlight – Naomi Rockwell

Each month, a member will be featured in our Monthly Member Spotlight section.  This month, we are featuring Naomi Rockwell. Read about Naomi…



New Communication Request Form

Do you need advertising for your event, meeting, or party? Let St. John’s Communication Team Know and we’ll get it done for you! 



Worship Assistant Schedule – Spring/Summer

This schedule includes dates for our Readers, Ushers, and Communion Servers through September 4. This schedule is also posted on the bulletin board across from the offices. If you find you are scheduled on a day that you will be gone, please find a replacement/trade with someone and inform the office. We can assist in helping you find a fill-in. Most of all, THANK YOU for your time as worship assistants – it is much appreciated! See the Schedule



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday  8:30 am – 12 pm
Thursday 8:30 am – 4 pm

The office may be reached by phone Monday through Thursday 8:30 am – 4 pm