Join Us for Worship – Saturdays @ 5 pm; Sundays @ 8:30 am and 10:30 am. You are Welcome Here!

Veterans Event Coming November 13

The Veterans Outreach Committee will resume recognition of our military veterans Saturday evening, November 13, following the 5 PM worship. Safety precautions will be taken for this event. The committee is planning to serve another wonderful meal followed by a musical program that Ondra Williams is coordinating.
Committee member, Joanne Gladden, maintains and updates the list of St. John’s veterans and makes every attempt to constantly improve on this information. She contacts them and obtains relative bio information. If you, yourself, are a veteran, and/or know someone who has not received a previous invitation, please let Joanne know. Her phone number is 608.291.0340.


For planning purposes, RSVPs are needed. Please contact the church office at 608.291.4311. For anyone needing a ride, transportation can be provided so please indicate that need when calling. The deadline for reservations is Monday, November 1. Volunteers to help with serving and cleanup will be needed and a signup sheet is posted in the Gathering area.